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The Priory goal of active involvement in the Templar objective of promoting education in the Holy Land, which began with St. Vincent sponsoring, at the priory level, a single Christian student, Michael Lorenzo of Ramleh, has now grown to the sponsorship of 25 students by the Priory and its members, through Priory donations, single knight or dame sponsorship, anonymous in memoriam sponsorship, and the innovative approach of consortiums of knights & dames banding together to support a student. This latter concept, which was envisioned and created in 2021 by the then-Priory Treasurer Chev. Julian Young, has proven so effective that St. Vincent now has five active Consortiums (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo & Foxtrot), and the Grand Priory is publicizing this concept to other priories around the country and encouraging its use to bolster involvement in the Templar scholarship program. Of special note in regards to its campaign to support scholarships in the Holy Land, the Priory of St. Vincent is the primary sponsor of three students in memory of H.E. Chev. Chester Cotter, a founding member of the Priory of St. Vincent and its first Prior, which is a worthy tribute and indicative of how important this charitable effort is to the Priory.

These efforts have made the Priory of St. Vincent the #1 Priory in the United States in terms of total scholarship dollars contributed, number of individual scholarships sponsored, and number of individual member knights & dames participating in the scholarship program for the 2021-22 academic year.

Additionally, the Priory of St. Vincent was a leader in a recent fund drive to replace classroom furniture at the College des Fréres school in Beit Hanina, with the Priory fully sponsoring furniture replacement in three (3) of the eleven (11) classrooms that were funded by priories in the United States, again making St. Vincent #1 in this educational fundraising effort.

Promotion of Education in the Holy Land – The Priory goal of active involvement in the Templar objective of promoting education in the Holy Land, which began with St. Vincent sponsoring, at the priory level, a single Christian student, Michael Lorenzo of Ramleh, has now grown to the sponsorship of 25 students by the Priory and its members, through Priory donations, single knight or dame sponsorship, anonymous in memorium sponsorship, and the innovative approach of consortiums of knights & dames banding together to support a student. This latter concept, which was envisioned and created in 2021 by the then-Priory Treasurer Chev. Julian Young, has proven so effective that St. Vincent now has five active Consortiums (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo & Foxtrot), and the Grand Priory is publicizing this concept to other priories around the country and encouraging its use to bolster involvement in the Templar scholarship program.

Of special note in regards to its campaign to support scholarships in the Holy Land, the Priory of St. Vincent is the primary sponsor of three students in memory of H.E. Chev. Chester Cotter, a founding member of the Priory of St. Vincent and its first Prior, which is a worthy tribute and indicative of how important this charitable effort is to the Priory.

These efforts have made the Priory of St. Vincent the #1 Priory in the United States in terms of total scholarship dollars contributed, number of individual scholarships sponsored, and number of individual member knights & dames participating in the scholarship program for the 2021-22 academic year.

Additionally, the Priory of St. Vincent was a leader in a recent fund drive to replace classroom furniture at the College des Fréres school in Beit Hanina, with the Priory fully sponsoring furniture replacement in three (3) of the eleven (11) classrooms that were funded by priories in the United States, again making St. Vincent #1 in this educational fundraising effort.

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